----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have heard a great deal about the "liberal bias" of PBS & NPR as of late,
both from consertives who dispise this "bias" and from some liberals (here on
screen-l) who think its o.k..  From an analytical point of view this type of
debate is disturbing.  It expresses the banal assumption that there are three
perspetives -consertive, liberal, middle- that are possible on any topic or
issue.  It also assumes that there is a single liberal position, an
To me there are far more interesting ways to look atPBS & NPR than a simple
liberal / consertive split.  For example I believe that the "bias" of NPR
news is not for one political position or another but rather it is a bias of
power.  When the democrats were in the majority I found that the democratic
partly line had the priority in NPR's reporting in that it was expressed
first and perhapse in greater detail that the republician line.  Since the
election I find that the oppsite is true.   Does anyone else have example of
a non political bias to PBS & NPR?