----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear e-conference moderator,
     We would be very grateful if you would share the following announcement
with the subscribers to your discussion list or e-journal:
**The DAAD Prizes for the Best Syllabi in German Studies and
The DAAD Syllabi Data Base**
The 1995 Prize:
     $1000 in prizes for innovative interdisciplinary or
comparative approaches to the teaching of German Studies (including
language, politics, history, literature, cinema, anthropology,
culture, art, music, Women's Studies, Jewish Studies, etc.) will be
awarded in 1995.
     All syllabi submitted for the competition will be included in
an on-line, multi-year data base of teaching materials for German
Studies.  Complete and detailed syllabi, including detailed
references, sources, and pedagogical goals, should be submitted as
hard copy and on computer disk clearly labeled to indicate computer
(PC/Mac), author, and software by March 1, 1995 to Kizer Walker,
Department of German Studies, 194 Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York 14853.
*Accessing the Data Base*
     The DAAD Syllabi database at present consists of over 170
syllabi in fields ranging from architecture to Women's Studies.
The database will continue to expand as new syllabi are submitted
for inclusion.
*The Data Base can be accessed electronically*
        ! It is available in two formats:
             ! as Microsoft Word files, and
             ! as ASCII text files
        ! To access the data use the FTP protocol. (The user needs
          to inquire at her/his location for the particulars of the
          FTP protocol there).
        ! Connect to server ftp.cit.cornell.edu  (
          if your FTP software does not support domain name
          resolution).  Use anonymous as the account and your logon
          with domain name as the password. Professor Gilman would
          enter [log in to unmask], for example.
        ! Once connected, issue the command:
        ! From there, retrieve the readme .txt file using the
          command get readme.txt.  Follow the instructions in
        ! If you have any problems, please consult the computer
          support staff at your university!
*If you do not have access to electronic mail, we will process
limited searches manually*
        ! Send your requests (with at least two descriptors) to the
          data base project
        ! together with an unformatted 3.5 HD disk to Kizer Walker
          at the above address.
        ! and we will send you files (specify a format; we will
          assume Word for Macintosh)