Dear Klaus,
I received your message regarding the SINEAST Magazine; I will try to help
if possible.
From your message I also found out about the Salzburg meeting, regarding
international cooperation among film journals.
Since 1993, the semi-annual film journal KINEMA has been published at the
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It is an international journal
discussing film art and media using the audiovisual language which it
considers a global phenomena. Its contributors reside in a r of countries.
The texts are published in english (or French) for a wordl-wide readership.
>A declaration of European film journals
>Sineast - plea for help
>We, editors of European film journals, are meeting in Salzburg, Austria, at
present to discuss possibilities for international co-operation.
>One editor is unfortunately missing: the editor of the journal Sineast - a
journal made in the former Yugoslavian city of Sarajevo. It is on behalf of
that journal that we write this letter.
>Producing a journal in war time would seem impossible.
>However, even with the city under siege, the editors of Sineast managed to
publish a few issues. But the problems they are facing in continuing their
much appreciated social and cultural task are immense. Everything is scarce
- goods, materials, services and money. In order for the journal to survive
these difficult times, it needs all the help it can get. From us and from
>In heartfelt solidarity with Sineast, we, the editors of European film
journals, ask you to respond sympathetically to Sineast's accompanying plea
for help; we would of course be happy to acknowledge your help in the next
edition of our journals.
>Salzburg, November 30, 1994
>Filmfaust (Germany)
>Film und Fernsehen (Germany)
>Kosmorama (Denmark)
>Trafic (France)
>Vertigo (Great Britain)
>Filmbulletin (Switzerland)
>Kinovededschkije zapiski (Russia)
>Noul Cinema (Romania)
>Blimp (Austria)
>Chaplin (Sweden)
>Film a Doba (Czech Republic)
>Skrien (Netherlands)
>Klaus Eder
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