----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Gary Fuchs writes, re: THE BOYS OF ST. VINCENT: "I read about this title in the capsule film review section of THE NEW YORKER magazine, where it has appeared over the past few months. This indicates that the film has been (or was, at least) playing (at a theatre) somewhere in New York City. I recall wanting an opportunity to see it on the basis of the capsule rewiew -- which ascribed to the film considerable merit, describing it as powerful, gripping and disturbing. (and perhaps too raw for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to put on US public TV?)" The University of Minnesota Film Society (one of the best exhibitors of non-mainstream films, thanks to obsessive director Al Milgrom) played it for several weeks this summer. (I missed it, but suspect it may indeed get to public tv--if Newt Gingrich doesn't pull the plug first!) --Don Larsson, Mankato State U., MN