----------------------------Original message---------------------------- THE FOLLOWING IS AN INFORMATIVE POSTING FROM THE AMIA LIST (LET'S DO SOME WRITING THAT CAN MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE!!!!): From: Richard Prelinger <[log in to unmask]> Subject: NEA Cuts To: Multiple recipients of list AMIA-L <@uga.cc.uga.edu:[log in to unmask]> The Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers (AIVF) has been active in organizing a response to the recent NEA cuts. A recent post to the WELL by their Membership Programs director Pamela Calvert ([log in to unmask]) explains some of their strategy and perspectives. This is quoted with Pam's permission., In other news, Ruby Lerner (AIVF exec dir and all-purpose goddess) met one- on-one with Jane Alexander on Monday re: the abrupt withdrawal of regional regrants in the Media Program. It became clear that Alexander had no comprehension of the need for of value of these kind of grants to the field. That night, we did an event at PIFVA that Ruby and I attended, and had an emergency action session around the NEA crisis. What PIFVA filmmakers are planning, which I think bears consideration in all other regions, is to create a compilation tape of work funded by the regrant program, for use in lobbying/educating Jane, elected officials, media, etc. The other critical action to be taken right6 now is letter-writing: it's said that Jane has the sense that she hasn't received too much feedback from the field about this, so it's no big deal that we just took this $1.2 million hit. (a) This perception should be corrected immediately. (b) The NEA comes up for reauthorization next year; regrants were much more geographically representative than grants awarded directly by the Endowment, which go disproportionately to makers on the two coasts. Legislators need to be targeted in areas throughout the country who are losing funding through this move, and the economic impact (and democratic impact) made clear to them. The ITVS model applies here: ITVS maximized potential Congressional support through its regional granting model, and the NEA needs to be mindful that it's good politics to do likewise. But Jane thinks of this as "quota," so there's some real education to he done here.