On Wed, 2 Nov 1994, Jeffrey Ronald Dobson Jr wrote:
> Anyone who hates another group based only on their race, age, or gender is
> less than human in my opinion.
> These femi nazis are all just a bunch of male bashers and we don't need them.
>>I hate all you super dyke femi nazies.>
According to your first statement, bias against race, age, and gender are
forbiddenn. Apparently, it's still OK to bash people because of their
politics and personal beliefs, based on your second statement.
You're very adroit at using buzzwords to get people all riled up. Let's
see if you can support the claims you make. Explain to me your reasoning
for decreeing all feminists to be dykes. Perhaps you have a survey?
Photographic proof? Or perhaps it's a quick easy put-down in order to
devalue any of their reply statements. You also compare feminists to
nazis. What, if any, are the similarities between feminist theory and the
Nazi party's politics? I'm serious. You've made a very emotional
statement, and it's gotten a lot of attention. Now is your opportunity to
back it up with proof or a well-reasoned argument. Name-calling is not an
** Vikki **
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