On Wed, 2 Nov 1994, Lam Kit Yee wrote:
> I'm now working on a paper titled "The Generation X". People said that
> "Reality Bites" (co-star Winona Ryder and Ethan Hawke) is a typical Gen X
> movie. Do you agree or disagree? Are there any other Gen X movies which
> are useful for my study? Thanks in advance!
_Reality Bites_ is a typical Gen X movie in that it was aggressively
marketed as the movie by and for Generation X (what a beautiful name for a
generation, no?).  I'm not so sure, however, how much of its intended
audience saw or even liked the film.
Others to consider in the Generation X category:
Threesome       What's Eating Gilbert Grape
and, by widening the frame of reference,
Boyz N the Hood, Poetic Justice, and Menace to Society might be included.