Another typical Gen X movie would be "Threesome.">
> Lam Kit Yee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >
> >I'm now working on a paper titled "The Generation X". People said that
> >"Reality Bites" (co-star Winona Ryder and Ethan Hawke) is a typical Gen X
> >movie. Do you agree or disagree? Are there any other Gen X movies which
> >are useful for my study? Thanks in advance!
> "Bodies, Rest & Motion" "Slacker" and "Gas, Food, Lodging" (the latter with
> score by slacker icon J. Mascis of Dinosaur Jr fame) and why not "River's Edge
> (1986)?
> Ulf
> -- Ulf Dalquist Dept. of Sociology --
>  --  Box 114 221 00 Lund SWEDEN   --