Isn't the briefcase glow just alittle hommage to Kiss Me Deadly and the great whatsit? On Sat, 29 Oct 1994, Susan Crutchfield wrote: > Okay, my PF question is: what's in the briefcase? (Sorry if this has already > been asked and debated.) > Any thoughts on its GLOW? Any thoughts on Honey Bunny--or Pumpkin's--i.e., > Tom Roth's character's weak-kneed reaction to seeing what's inside? Any > thoughts on its ROLE in the film? > I've only seen PF once, but I'm pretty sure we never are told or shown > what's inside. Seems to me that gold or drugs or some such usual gangster > item wouldn't have illicited the slow, stunned, "It's beautiful. . ." > response from Roth. It reminds me of the way the "beautiful" paintings are > represented in *I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing*--framed panels of > glowing light. > Any thoughts? > > Susan Crutchfield > [log in to unmask] >