In a perfect world race issues would be as J. Roberson wishes they were.
Sadly, as Roberson knows, this not a perfect world.  In this less than
perfect world expropriation and exploitation of racially tinged issues
is a legitimate matter for discussion.  That some blacks call each
other "nigger" does not privilege outsiders to use this language for
their own purposes.  What these purposes are is worth considering: One
may hope to ingratiate oneself, demonstrate their own "lack of
prejudice," or exploit the symbols for self-aggrandizement, or . . . .
Crucially, though, again as J. Roberson knows, whites can shed these
symbols, they can turn the peak of their caps to face front, as it
were.  Most blacks, even very light complected ones, cannot.  The color
of their skin, the shape of their physiognomy, and other physical
characteristics are permanent indelible marks of their existence.
Even Roberson's computer nerd friend is a black before he is a computer
nerd, even if he doesn't make a point of it to outsiders.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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