>On October 25, 1994, Kecken wrote:
>> I admit it is rare to see a black man/white women relationship in > film.
> What about 'Guess who's coming to dinner?' or 'Zebrahead'.
>From my experience, it's even rarer to see a white man/black woman
>relationship in film.  About the only well-known example of such a
>relationship in recent American film history is *The Bodyguard.*
>Rick Douglas :)
I would disagree.  "The Crying Game" features such a relationship for half
the movie.  I'm not the type to catalog & count couples in films, but I
think there is more societal taboo in representing black man/white woman
than black woman/white man.  Anyone interested should read an essay by bell
hooks called Seduction & Betrayal about The Bodyguard & The Crying Game.
It's in Visions, Fall 93.
jajasoon tlitteu  ([log in to unmask])
"Academic training was instrumental.  You have to understand the language
of society before you can start stretching and subverting it and ripping
and tearing it and burning it and watching the plastic drip on the ants."