On Fri, 21 Oct 1994, Randy Riddle wrote:
> I recently picked up a hilarious and technically fascinating film from
> Japan on videocassette that I had never heard of before, made around 1992.
> Filmed in black and white, it uses stop-motion animation and elaborate
> make up and costume effects to tell the story of a man who basically
> turns into a heap of junkyard rubble.
> I'm curious if anyone else has heard of this film and knows anything
> about the filmmaker -- has he/she done anything else?
> Considering the recent discussions of "NBK" and "Pulp Fiction", I found
> "Iron Man" interesting in that it combines some very violent, bloody
> sequences with sex, forming an interesting commentary on how pop media
> have combined the two.
> The story-telling style is quite similar to that of "NBK" as well.
> Randy A. Riddle
> [log in to unmask]
Killer film, huh.  Yeah, I got a chance (two years ago, I think) to
actually see it projected, very nice.  Have you see "Akira"?  It's a
post-modern cartoon along (sort-of) the same lines.  The secondary
character is Tetsuo.