(1) Film Analysis Workshop taught by Lee Bridgers
    This workshop involves screening and discussion of some great
    classics of film, as well as extensive lecture and dicussion on
    the aesthetics and practical methods of film production.
    Films include Bergman's "Through a Glass Darkly", Fellini's "La
    Strada", Tati's"Mr. Hulot's Holiday", and a dissection of
    Scorsese's "Goodfellas".
    The workshop meets for 4 consecutive Tuesday evenings from 6 to 9
    pm beginning Oct.4, 1994. First class meets in Hunter 208-B.
    Tuition is $125 general public, $100 CU students.
    (2) Cinematography taught by Jesus Medina
    This is the hands-on instruction in the use of 16mm film cameras,
    filters and lighting. Learn professional lighting and exposure
    techniques for controlling contrast and color on film.
    Meeting 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm.   Workshop
    begins Oct.5, 1994. First meeting in Hunter 208-B. tuition is $125
    for general public and $100 for CU students.
    (3) Film Production Workshop (taught by Jesus Medina)
    Learn the basics of film production through the hands-on
    production of a short film. The class will involve attention to
    scripting, lighting, shooting, a short introduction to
    cinematography, editing on a flatbed, and the legal aspects of
    Meets 4 consecutive Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 pm, beginning
    Nov. 2, 1994. Tuition is $ 125 general public and $100 CU
    Advance registration is recommended. Contact the following for
    enrollment form and more information:
    Lee bridgers
    The Rocky Mountain Film Center(RMFC)
    Campus Box 316,
    Univ. of Colorado
    Boulder, Colorado 80309-0316