georgia state Univ. presents the 2-day Hollywood Film School on
    Day One---Make the Movie: the actual step-by-step process to
    producing, directin and shooting a feature film.
    day Two---Sell the Movie; the real mehtod of marketing, financing
    and distributing an independent feature film profitably.
    Three ways to register;
    1. mail  send complete registration form with a $ 279 check
    payable to Georgia State Univ. to GSu, Division of Continuing
    Education, Registration office, P.O.B.4044, Atlanta, GA 30302
    2. Phone--call 404/651-3456,weekdays 8-5.VISA, MasterCard and
    American Express accepted.
    3. Fax--fax the form to 404/651-3452 if
    you are charging your fee.  Please also note the last day to
    cancel the registration in order to get a full refund is Oct.6
    --conveyed by Gao