Recently Steven Brophy continued a thread along these lines:
"Was _Platoon_ a glorification of the Vietnam war?"
How about another example:  Was _Glory_ a celebration of the Civil War?  I
would like to see some comparing and contrasting of these two movies and
furthermore how they portrayed war in general.  Here are some questions to
ponder and respond to:  Is the graphic portrayal of war "bad"?  Does it
necessarily promote a celebration of war?   Must this portrayal come packaged
together with a well-grounded story or viewpoint in order to have
justification or validity?
How did you feel about war after seeing _Glory_?
Another discussion point:  Do you feel (as I do) that there are ironies
aplenty in viewing this movie as a fascinating cultural artifact coming as it
did during the crush of patriotic fervor during Desert Storm?
I have to tell you that my feeling is that Glory is one of the great films of
our time.  But I'll save that for another post.
Let's see some discussion on this.