> I'm interested to read responses to Yves's query about response to
> Quebec film in the US, so let me (slightly selfishly) encourage
> responses to the list.
> Blaine Allan                           [log in to unmask]
> Film Studies
> Queen's University
> Kingston, Ontario
> Canada  K7L 3N6
Hi Blaine,
I am always amazed that in such a small country as ours, and even in a small
 city as Montreal, film people don't know what their fellow colleagues are
At Universite de Montreal, there is a research group working on Quebec film
 recepti0on abroad. I am part of that group. We have publish four books on our
 film<s reception in France (a fifth is coming in 1995) and we work on the USA.
 Last Spring, we released "Les films quebecois dans la critique americaine :
 repertoire analytique 1980-1992" and in 1995, we will publish an analysis of
 our research.
If you are interested to buy those instruments, here is the address :
Centre de recherche cinema/reception
Programme d'etudes cinematographiques
Universite de Montreal
C.P. 6128, Succ Centre-Ville
Montreal  H3C 3J7
tel 343-7856  Fax 343 2393
I am positive Lever knows about the group. Why pretend not ?
I hope your new semester is aimed in the right direction.
Au plaisir de te revoir
Pierre Veronneau