>Just a minor corrective to Kelly Conway's posting below: The annual SCS >conference will take place in March (not Feb.) of each calendar year, probably >early March (NYC in 1995; Dallas in 1996; LA in 1997). DD Is anyone interested in running for Graduate Student Representative of >the Society for Cinema Studies? The term lasts for 2 years and will >begin July 1995. Your basic duties will include attending 2 Executive >Council meetings per year (one in the fall and one at the Februrary SCS >conference), where you will represent the interests of the graduate >student members of SCS. > >The head of the Nominating Committee, Radha Subramanyam, is accepting >names from now until August 26. Please contact her if you're interesting >in running. > >[log in to unmask] > >Don't miss this great opportunity to get more involved in SCS. Please >contact me if you have questions about the position. > >Thanks, > >Kelley Conway >SCS student rep >(202) 342-3824 >[log in to unmask] _____________________________________ David Desser,UIUC Cinema Studies 2109 FLB/707 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801 217/244-2705