On Fri, 29 Jul 1994 11:24:23 -0600 Donald Larsson said:
>I got a couple of things kicked back to me too, even though they were
>apparently posted.
>Jeremey--Is this a problem that needs attention?
 I need more specifics, Don (or anyone else who is having a problem).
 What sort of error message are you getting?
 Sometimes when one SCREEN-L recipient is having trouble receiving
 mail the error message will (incorrectly) go to the person who
 posted the message (like Don) rather than to me, the SCREEN-L
 coordinator (who *lives* for error messages).
 If this sounds like your problem (if the error message came from
 somewhere besides SCREEN-L) then it's just an occasional blip
 that you should ignore.  If it's something else, buzz me at the
 address below and I'll try to figure it out.
           Hell take curtains!  Go with some show
           of inconvenience; sit openly--
           to the weather as to grief.
           Or do you think you can shut grief in?
                                       --William Carlos Williams
| Jeremy Butler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator                                                   |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |