What made the first two alien films great was that they took certain
established genres and crossed them with some hard science fiction, without
losing the attributes of their original genres.  The first film was a horror
movie and the second was a WWII style platoon film -- who's gonna die and
who's gonna survive.
The mishmash you're talking about sounds very much like current formula
rather than classic genre.  It has to have a really strong genre POV to work
-- otherwise the intensity gets diluted.  Also, please don't rely on a music
video director this time.  Roberto Rodriguez would be the kind of choice to
make, someone who knows how to create and sustain an action sequence
shot-to-shot.  And keep the protagonist a strong-minded, active female --
that's the hallmark of the series.  Sigourney Weaver is why I went back to
the theater.  She was the freshest hero in the movies...still is.
Mark Netter
Los Angeles
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