We are pleased to announce that the
        * CineMedia Research Centre *
                is now open to public access.
The Centre houses a variety of internet links to film and
media related resources, including journals, books,
discussion group info., databases, scripts, and other
specialized gophers located within a total of over sixty
The CineMedia Research Centre is maintained by the
School of Film and Media at Griffith University,
Brisbane, Australia.
We would like to thank our many colleagues who have
been trialling the Centre and who have provided us with
valuable feedback.  We are currently setting up a Centre
on Griffith University's Web Server and will notify when
this is up and running.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please contact
Dan [log in to unmask]
URL:   gopher://griffin.itc.gu.edu.au/11/FAC/HUM/CMRC
Gopher:  (From U. of Minn.)   Pacific/Griffith University/
               Faculties/Humanities/CineMedia Research Centre
Link info:         #
                        Name=CineMedia Research Centre