While the script is bad on story and clarity, it does provide some
in the dialogue department.
Recently Lee Elliot wrote favorably about The Shadow, quoting the following
Kahn: "I will succeed"
Shadow: "You know, of course, I going to stop you."
Kahn: "You Americans, you're all so arrogant.  You think this decadent,
ill-informed society you've made is the high point of civilization..."
Shadow: "Hey!  You're talking about the U S of A now."
        Kahn and the Shadow have several good exchanges.  Any movie in which
Alec Baldwin says "I'm psychically well-endowed" can't be all bad.
Check out Buckaroo Banzai (1984, with Peter Weller, Ellen Barkin, John
Lithgow, Christopher Lloyd, Jeff Goldblum) for a superhero movie with similar
panache, and tongue-in-cheek self-referential style.