Riefenstahl interests me more because of the way she sheds light on American misinterpretations of German texts. It is clear, that at least she was manipulative and opportunistic. It is not clear to me to what extent she has a real right-wing (in German terms) ideology and to what extent it is appropriate to consider her an ideological Nazi as opposed to a more opportunistic one. I find the arguement that "Das blaues Licht" is oriented toward Nazi ideology quite thin. The movie is clearly oriented, through both the type of story and the film vocabulary toward the German romantic tradition. However, "das Volk" is shown as superstitious and greedy, and ultimately responsible for the death of the innocent maiden. That hardly seems to me as a credible exercise in National Socialist Realism. If the argument is made that all the "Volk" oriented materials support Nazi-ism, I think that can lead to the argument that Herder and Goethe were also so oriented, and that seems to me a _reductio ad absurdum_. I think it well possible that Riefenstahl may have shown her films to anti- Hitler groups who were not in camps. Certainly, she would only to have sought out the officers of the 9th Regiment of Guards (Graf 9) whose officers included Weizaecker, Stauffenberg, Kleist, and Axel von der Bussche to find a suitable group. If "Tiefland" can be argued not to have served Nazi purposes, and yet was made under Nazi auspices, I think there were other films too. I recently had the chance to the Gustav Gruendgens Effi Briest at the Litterarischer Verein in Club Liederkranz in New York City. It seemed close to what I know of the book, and not surprisingly different from Fassbinder's "Effi Briest." I think it is easier to argue that Fontane's novel of the cruelties of the Prussian Honor System is easier to see as not serving Nazi purposes than as a deliberate attack on Prussianism sponsored by the Nazis. Again, my concern is not to make Riefenstahl or Gruendgens (Mephisto) any better than they were, but not to see everything simply through a lens which simply demonizes them. Edward J. Haupt snail: voice: 1(201) 655-4327 Department of Psychology internet: [log in to unmask] Montclair State University bitnet: haupt@njin 1 Normal Ave. fax: 1(201) 655-5455 Upper Montclair, NJ 07043-1624 USA