On Wed, 15 Jun 1994 13:11:31 -0400 Dianne L. Brooks said:
> It is my contention that the banning of BOAN assisted in
>wiping any traces of race from the Hollywood screen for a good 50 or so
An even better reason for the treatment of African-Americans in the era
before 1950 is the fact that movie attendance in the South was greater
than other regions.  Films which would offend this audience were either
not made altogether or made to allow the easy elimination of potentially
offensive scenes.  In many films there were scenes with black entertainers
such as Lena Horne or Cab Calloway which were isolated from the overall
storyline so that the scene could be cut out (by the distributor or the
exhibitor) without spoiling the rest of the film.
Again: we are dealing with objects of commerce, not works of art.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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