Gordon Peffer wrote:
>I'm trying to find some material on TV acting styles. The sources I've
>looked at so far, Berg & Wenner, Allen, Newcombe, Ellis, have little
>or nothing on acting at all. The only thing I've seen is the section
>in this list moderator's text, _Building Narrative: Character, Actor,
>Star_. Have I missed something?  Why is there such a paucity of
>material on TV acting?  lthough there is stuff on the star system
You might give a look at David Thorburn's article "television melodrama"
in any of the recent a  editii ons of Newcomb's TV: The Critical View.
He's becoming a cranky defender of aesthetic  /textual approaches (
(protests a bit too much?), but he really conveys a sense for the essential
qualities of "TV Acting"
Also a recent article of his in Critical Studies in Mass Communication where
he analyzes Lonesome Dove, using the acting as one the key factors (at
least that's what I remember he does).
Jim Wehmeyer
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