E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     12-May-1994 03:08pm EST
                                        From:     Stephen Hart
                                        Level:    Post-secondary/University
                                        Tel No:   904-644-4839
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm )
Subject: re: more Disney questions
Mary, I remember reading about Disney building a park in Virginia.  I ahd
hoped that somehow they would be stopped.  Didn't they learn from
Euro-Disney that not everybody wants the mouse in their backyard?  Maybe
they think that the money saved going out to California or Florida can be
spent there in the park.  Oh well, I suppose when they can't make enough
profit to pay Michael Eisner's salary will they relent from their world
Stephen Hart