E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     13-Apr-1994 07:38am EST
                                        From:     Stephen Hart
                                        Level:    Post-secondary/University
                                        Tel No:   904-644-4839
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm )
Subject: Scarfaced Caesars
After checking their synopses in Bowker's Video Directory, I've found that
BLACK CAESAR, LITTLE CAESAR and SCARFACE all have a similiar storyline:
The rise of a small time hood to leadership of the mafia.  The BLACK CAESAR
synopsis states that the main character pushes his mentor out of power and
loses close associates on the way to the top.  Is this line in SCARFACE
Along the lines of this discussion, the TV shows IN LIVING COLOR and
TOWNSEND TELEVISION both had a sketch or two on recasting classic movies
with black actors:  Bill Cosby as the Godfather, Billy Dee Williams and
Stevie Wonder in CASABLANCA, Redd Foxx as Charlie Chaplin.  On the flip
side, Robert De Niro was cast as Furious Styles in BOYZ N THE HOOD.
Stephen Hart