Is anyone familiar with the early-30s comedy team of Tom Howard and
George Shelton? They made a number of two-reel comedies in 33-34 for
the Al Christie unit at Educational Pictures. I have three of their
shorts: "Easy Money," "Static," and "The Good Scout." They did, however,
make more shorts, and I wonder of any of you have any on video? Any
info on the team--together or as individuals--would be most welcome.
My father remembers seeing them in the l930s (when my father was a
kid) on the vaudeville stage in Boston. Shelton appeared in some
other Educational shorts, and Howard has one or two supporting roles
in features listed in the AFI l931-1940 catalog.
I am new to this network,and I'd enjoy hearing from anyone else interested
in silent film, two-reel comedies, b-films of the 20s,30s,40s,etc.
Last month as part of Women's History Week here at San Antonio College
(where I teach) I did a series of presentations on great film comediennes
of the 30s:Daphne Pollard, Marjorie Beebe, Vera Vague, and the team of
Thelma Todd and Patsy Kelly. Do these ladies have any other fans out
Many thanks and I look forward to being involved with this network.
Bill Shute ([log in to unmask])