Department of English, University of Louisville
Phone: (502)852-6770 or (502)852-6801. Fax: (502)852-4182.
In connection w/ Henry Jenkins' response about moves from dystopian to utopian
worlds, I think the narrative progression of THE COLOR PURPLE actually does
this. I also think that imagining the ending as a kind of utopian vision helps
answer some of the objections to the ending as contrived. In the book even
more than in the movie, the vision at the end is one of a world governed by
Black women, within which others--even very bad men--have been transformed for
the better. Not probably strictly utopian in terms of genre, but I think it
has strong relations to that tradition.
bitnet tbbyer01@ulkyvm; internet [log in to unmask]
Thomas B. Byers
Department of English/University of Louisville
Louisville KY 40292