A good example, I think, of a non-criminal type person who turns to crime
is Montgomery Clift in A PLACE IN THE SUN.  I have some doubts about this
example because the movie is annoyingly unclear whether he really pushed
Shelley Winters overboard.  This movie is, as you may already know, based
on T. Dreiser's novel AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY.  An earlier film version of
this book was made by Josef von Sternberg in 1931.  I have never seen this
version.  Perhaps another example of a non-criminal type who commits a
crime is Jeremy Irons in REVERSAL OF FORTUNE.  Again, as with A PLACE IN
THE SUN, it is unclear whether the guy is guilty or not.  Forgive me if
this message rambles.  It is very late at night.
Mary Kalfatovic