THE STUNT MAN has some great projection/screening room scenes,
and if my memory serves me correctly this late in the academic
year, both Truffaut's DAY FOR NIGHT and the Taviani Brothers'
GOOD MORNING, BABYLON (about the making of _Intolerance_)
have screening scenes.  Also, the recent Richard Attenborough
film CHAPLIN has a great scene in which Charlie supposedly sees
movies for the first time (talk about dramatic license!!!).
Finally, though I haven't seen it in years, I'd suggest taking
a look at THE BUSTER KEATON STORY; it's bound to have an appro-
priate scene, and would make an interesting companion piece to
any scenes from SHERLOCK, JR. that might be used.
Jay Rozgonyi
Media Librarian
Fairfield University
Fairfield, CT
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