On Thu, 17 Mar 1994 15:50:58 EST Mark Bunster said:
>once again, it must be said that this is net myth. Apple has no intentions of
>changing their policies, and in fact the locality in question has decided to
>allow them to locate there without any change in policy.
>PLEASE do not bother Apple...
>* Text of forwarded message:
>*  Apple Computer is under a well organized phone-fax-mail attack by the
>*  Religious Right, demanding that Apple Computer drop its pro-human rights
>*  policy of non-discrimination against lesbian and gay employees. Basically,
      Mark, I'm curious about what you know about this.  I had also heard about
the problem Apple had had in that one locality.  Of course it's harder to
disprove a myth than pass one on, but do you have some familiarity with this
      I'm curious also if you have some connection with Apple, and why you
wouldn't want us to "bother" them.  Don't you think any corporation would be
interested in knowing of public support for its policies?
    P.S. By the way, the murphy.s id posted by David Levin came back as