Corrine Smith has several databases that she can dredge for many, many things. Came up sort-of-empty on LOST BOUNDRIES, though. A thought just occurred as I write: The film is old enough that prints may be gathering dust on the shelves of film rental houses. They might be willing to arrange a long-term rent (or cheap sale) to get something out of their prints (if they still have any, of course). ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia <[log in to unmask]> <PRYLUCK@TEMPLEVM> ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- LOST BOUNDARIES appears to be available only on 16mm, not video. It might still be rentable from Swank Motion Pictures, (800) 876-3344. Hope this helps! Corinne Smith Media Resources Coordinator Penn State Audio-Visual Services