E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     07-Mar-1994 10:36am EST
                                        From:     Stephen Hart
                                        Level:    Post-secondary/University
                                        Tel No:   904-644-4839
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm )
Subject: re: Schindler's List
I believe I can relate to the woman's surprise to the atrocities in
_Schindler's List_.  I am in my late 20's, and probably like her, any
knowledge of the Holocaust came via the TV film, _The diary of Anne Frank_
and word of mouth.  While I knew of some of the atrocities going into the
film, I was still shocked by them.  Hearing of such things and seeing
depictions of them are quite different.  I was so appalled by the
countless, cold-blooded murders that by midpoint I turned away from any
more; I had heard of bodies and people being burned, but never fathomed
their ashes floating and settling across the countryside like snow, let
alone the sheer numbers in a burning pile.  Until the movie, I did not
know, at least not with any clarity, that Jews were herded up and put into
ghettos, later to be violently forced out.
For me and countless others who are ignorant of that part of history,
_Schindler_ was sort of an education.  It is a shame that people have to be
educated via an entertainment medium (though the director's intention may
well be to educate).  However, such films do spark enough interest where
people go out and research and study the film's subject, and learn what
truly happened despite dramatic license and resulting "inaccuracies".  That
was part of Spike Lee's motivation behind _Malcolm X_.
Stephen Hart
Sr. LTA, Strozier Library, Florida State Univ.
In response to Alison McKee's post: