Susan C, you probably rented your edited version of Man Bites Dog from Our
Favorite Facists, BLOCKBUSTER...  Blockbuster is trying to stake themselves
as a "Family" video store, and are currently trying to get permission to
edit any and all films that they get to make sure that they are "wholesome"
enough for a G audience...  I'm pretty sure the mangled versions will be
marked somehow, but I still find this to be a travesty...  Blockbuster is
VERY wary of allowing anything possibly "dirty" to their customers...  For
example, they only carry the toned-down edited version of "True Romance",
and refuse to carry anything NC-17 or X...  Boy, I'm sure happy they control
such a large portion of America's video market...  :P
  Luckily, there are still the more independent video places around here in
Madison...  Actual phone conversation:
  ME: "Hi, do you have the un-edited version of True Romance?"
THEY: "Man, that's ALL we got!"
  Thank god for the "little" guy...
  Josh in Madison, WI