I was hoping to get my questionnaires in the mail by Monday, if possible.  I'll
be on campus Monday morning, so I'll drop off a copy of my questionnaire for
Dr. Smith to look over.  He told me on Wed. that he was going to be in & out
of the office over break.  I'm finishing up my envelopes today, so hopefully
I could make revisions on Monday afternoon & still get the questionnaires in
the mail sometime on Monday.
Because I was rushed to get my grant turned into the Grad. Office by the dead-
line ... no one's fault but my own ... I didn't allow for some of the changes
that have occurred in my project.  After reworking the line-item amounts, I
could phone 7 stations (at an estimated 30 min. each) before I start dipping
into my own pocket.  If I did that, I would no longer have money to cover
follow-up mailings.  Do you think it would be a possibility to contact the
Grad. Office & see if it would be possible to receive additional funds?
Probably not, but I thought I'd ask anyway.  To phone the additional 33
stations, at an estimated 30 min. each, that would be an additional $198.  That
amount would still put me right under the maximum amount allowed for these