> I would like to hear more comments on the representation of N.
> Kerrigan, T. Harding, and orphan Oksana Baiul (who, as a narrator said,
> "could be anyone's daughter, but is no one's daughter").
I missed that line, but it's wonderful.  Also, we saw the problem facing the
Olympics in a "post-Communist" world (I wasn't in the USA for the last
Summer Olympics, so missed how this problem was handled there), which had
always provided the main plot previously (despite, or even because of,
boycotts).  This was most clearly manifest in the Kerrigan vote, for which,
as was repeatedly indicated, all the judged voted along East/West party
lines, and for whom the German (a former *East* German, as was also made
clear) was the swing vote, who gave "the orphan" and Kerrigan a tie, but
this was resolved due to the rules that give artistic impression precedence.
Actually, of course, any of the judges could be regarded as "swing votes",
but it went without question in the coverage that the German vote was
I repeat the scenario at length for our British readers--I understand that
no one pointed this out to the massed viewers over there.
How does China figure in this new Olympic world order?  For track and field,
it seems that allegations of drug abuse is order of the day, but this never
seemed to be mentioned in Lillehammer--indeed the drug issue seemed a
non-starter.  Why should this be?  It made for a quite a different games.
> Kelley Conway
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