Well I watched both real worlds.  New York, and LA, and even considered, me
an my sister actually, trying to get on in San Francisco.  I think that you
can't watch these seeries and think they are real.  They aren't, at least
to me, I find them mildly humorous.  One thing both of is the "country
bumpkin", leaving home and discovernig the big city.  However with one of
them going right back home, how can it be conisdered he was in the real
world, it's like he took a vacation.
MTV,being what it is, not only picks these people because of their
interesting ness, but their looks.  MTV has gone downhill in the last three
or four years.  It started out as a music channel, now they show more shows
than videos.  True MTV has "created" some groups, but now it sits on it's
but and does things.
Anybody who thinks of the real world as real should really try living with
four to six strangers.  I am living this year, in madison actually, with
four people who i didn't know, i thought i did, and I've discovered that I
dislike all of them.
Just one biochemists opinion.
>Does anyone know of any work that has been done about the MTV-produced serial
>_The Real World_? Any good critical articles would be helpful.
>I've been trying to think of related precedents to this phenomenon of a
>constructing a series of relationships and then filming/taping them as if they
>were "naturally" occurring--a kind of lab experiment to see what happens when
>you throw a bunch of unrelated guinea pigs into the same cage. It resonates, in
>different ways, with _An American Family_ (the pseudo-verite scrutiny of
>"private" life), yet also with _The Monkees_ (a group created by the show's
>producers), and similarly, there's something strangely akin to _The Brady
>going on here, too (the amalgamated family). Any thoughts?
>Pam Wilson
>[log in to unmask]
>University of Wisconsin, Madison
>(608) 256-1824