Three paragraphs of the Waldorf Manifesto are quoted in ADDITIONAL DIALOGUE,
Dalton Trumbo's letters, edited by Helen Manfull.  Trumbo was the most
prominent of the Hollywood Ten, before, during, and after the scoundrel
time.  He was the first blacklisted writer to subsequently receive an
on-screen credit for SPARTACUS (1960).  This after two scripts written
by blacklisted writers, credited to others, received the Academy Award
in two consecutive years.  It was an open secret that he had written
BRAVE BULLS and Michael Wilson had written BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER KWAI.
It's been speculated that the existence of that secret led some people
to "courageously" vote for the scripts, although they are probably as
worthy as other Award-winning scripts.
Years later both writers were publicly given the awards they had won.
Those were indeed interesting times.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
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