Here's my two cents: the 1932 (?) version of DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE with
Fredric March is a real winner. Not only does he take a potion in front of
a mirror (the narcissism of the scientist) but he dies on his lab table
surrounded by test tubes. Another idea is MAKING MR. RIGHT in which John
Malkovich plays a stuffy scientist and his lookalike robot, who is ironically
more sensual than the "real" man. Indiana Jones is also in the tradition of
the scientist-as-adventurer, the sexy, macho academic scientist (as opposed
to Mr. Spock in a lab coat), a la Doc Savage and McGyver. There's also Ash,
the scientist in ALIEN who turns out to be an android (which we humanists
always think that all scientists are under the skin).
Good luck,