What follows is some boilerplate copy on lists; the first deals with
RTF lists and may include some groups not on Jeremy's post.  The next
file deals with getting information about other kinds of lists.
Good luck.  Apologies for my earlier muddled post on the same topic.
Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia
<[log in to unmask]>  <PRYLUCK@TEMPLEVM>
======================================================================== 31
Here are the names and nodes of some discussion lists dealing with RTF topics:
[log in to unmask]
  [send SUB request to this address]
[log in to unmask] or IUBVM.UCS.INDIANA.EDU [re: film music]
[log in to unmask] or ECNUXA.BITNET
This list was more-or-less accurate as of January 1993; but things do
You can subscribe to these lists by sending the message:
SUBSCRIBE listname   yourFirstName LastName
to LISTSERV@node
for example: send mail to LISTSERV@AUVM
leave subject line blank
with the message: SUBSCRIBE CINEMA-L YourFirstName LastName
Requests to subscribe or signoff must be sent to LISTSERV at the node address.
Messages to the whole list are addressed to [log in to unmask]
To get off a mailing list send the command UNSUBSCRIBE listname
to [log in to unmask]  The command SIGNOFF will usually also do the job.
What follows is more boilerplate copy that might help locate other
lists of interest to you:
In searching for a discussion group on particular topics first consult
the file which can be obtained from [log in to unmask] sending the
mailed command GET LISTSOF LISTS (note: both plural and no space after
first word "lists").
Other files that report on discussion groups:
LISTSERV@KENTVM has several files; the introduction is ACADLIST README
Both can be obtained by mail to the listserv with the GET command
As a >>last<< resort send a mail query to [log in to unmask]
That list issues a monthly digest of queries seeking lists on
various topics from, say, tropical fish to arcane diseases with
stops along the way at computer topics and other professional
the rest is automatic.