E L E C T R O N I C   M E S S A G E
                                        Date:     21-Jun-1993 01:17pm EDT
                                        From:     Stephen Hart
                                        Level:    Post-secondary/University
                                        Tel No:   904-644-4839
TO:  Remote Addressee                     ( _jnet%screen-l@ua1vm )
Subject: Robert De Niro films
Below is a list of films by De Niro up to 1991, taken from _Quilans Film
Stars_.  He's done a few films since then, but I cannot remember any
1966: Trois chambres a Manhattan ; The wedding party
1968: Greetings
1969: Bloody Mama
1970: Hi, Mom!
1971: Jennifer on my mind ; The gang that couldn't shoot straight ; Born to
win1973: Bang the drum slowly ; Mean streets
1974: Sam's song (later the swap) ; The Godfather part II (Oscar)
1976: Taxi driver (Oscar nominee) ; 1900 ; The last tycoon
1977: New York, New York
1978: The deer hunter (Oscar nominee)
1980: Raging bull (Oscar)
1981: True confessions
1982: The king of comedy ; Elia Kazan, outsider
1983: Once upon a time in America
1984: Brazil ; Falling in love
1986: The mission
1987: Angel heart ; The untouchables (Oscar nominee?) ; Dear America (voice
only) ; Hello Actors Studio
1988::Stanley and Iris ; We're no angels4
1990: Goodfellas ; Awakenings (Oscar nominee) ; Guilty by suspicion
1991: Backdraft ; Cape fear (Oscar nominee) ; Mistress
Stephen Hart (HARTS2@firnvx
: Brazil ; Falling in loveb