I am sending a reminder of a call for papers for a colleague. Please
respond directly by email or fax.
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                       CALL FOR PAPERS
"Like any powerful text, Hiroshima must be read, absorbed, and recreated by
each generation searching for its own truths" -- Robert J Lifton
                       HIBAKUSHA CINEMA:
         Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film
August 1995 will mark fifty years since the dropping of atom bombs 'Fat
Man' and 'Little Boy' on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
While a great deal of media attention and expert commentary will no doubt
(re)assess this important time as an historical and political event, I am
seeking papers for a critical anthology (to be published mid 1995) which
will concern the manner in which Japanese filmmakers have responded to the
atomic bombings and the broader, cultural manifestation of "nuclear
imagery" in Japanese film and television.
Recent events all add fresh perspective to the growing body of film
addressing nuclear themes, such as former President Bush's refusal to
apologise for the atom bombings in a reciprocal gesture for the attack on
Pearl Harbor during its 50th anniversary; the Japanese decision to allow
its troops to act as UN peacekeepers in Asia; the arrival by sea of tons of
European 'waste' plutonium stockpiled for use in Japanese fast breeder
reactors; and regional proliferation of nuclear materials in a post-cold
war world (China, Korea, Taiwan, The Philippines).
The anthology will explore the medium's artistic and commercial responses
to perhaps the most significant event of the 20th Century and its legacy.
Contributors might consider essays of 3-5,000 words on the following topics/
* close reading of individual texts;
* auteur influences (Kurosawa);
* reenactment, docudrama and flashback in Hiroshima/Nagasaki narratives;
* historical interview;
* genre analysis (e.g. nuclear imagery in Japanese science fiction);
* comparison between foreign and Japanese renderings of the atom bombings;
* non-fiction films;
* US occupation and film censorship;
* animation and fantasy;
* monsters and nuclear metaphors.
Send proposals (150-250 words) or completed manuscripts and a brief author
biography by 31 MAY 1993 to:
Mick Broderick
Australian Film Commission
8 West Street
North Sydney, NSW 2060
FAX: 61 2 959 5403
Email: [log in to unmask]
  Note, first line of email message must read "Attn: Mick Broderick"