Okay, for those that have expressed an interest in the film I mentioned
relating to the Gulf War.  I use it in conjunction with LINES IN THE
SAND. The film was broadcast on Swedish tv. It is about an hour long and was
produced by David Shulman and Karen Branan.  I t
I think it was a BBC production of some sort, but at the end of the titles
there was something about New Decade or Next Decade Productions. Unfort-
unately the original title was cut out, and the Swedish title translated
THE AD AGENCY THAT SOLD THE WAR. It has interviews with HILL and
KNOWLTON, the agency that was hired by a group of Kuwaitis to get help
with lobbying for their cause.  They sent out film teams and did a
lot of stuff that was later released on services as footage, free
of charge.  Some of it is deliberately done to look like an amateur's
video footage, and other is standard documentary style.
Very disturbing stuff, since it turns out that many stations used
it with their own voiceovers telling what was going on.  Once crew
went out and did a "heroic soldiers fighting for their country" thing
with some Kuwaiti soldiers that was totally manipulated and just
done for PR purposes and had little to do with the truth.
Hope some of you have seen it or know about it.
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Excuse my typos....