        I'm teaching a "TV as Pop Culture" class this semester, and I
have had similar problems rounding up shows...
        Marlon Riggs' documentary "Color Adjustment" has excellent (and
well contextualized) footage from The Nat King Cole Shoe, Julia and
Good Times. (and Amos and Andy, I Spy, Beulah, What's Happening!, et
cetera.  I recommend it highly!!!
        "Color Adjustment" ran last season on PBS as part of the "P.O.V."
series.  You should try to talk your department or university TV station
into acquiring a copy. I would offer more than info support, but my copy is
off-air and would prob. be too fuzzy to show to a class.
        Something else that you might consider putting on the syllabus:
_The Mod Squad_. I showed this to my class when we were discussion represent-
ations of the 1960s counterculture on TV.  The episode titled "The Guru" is
a particularly good one for illustrating how radical ideology was brought
"under control" in mainstream media during the late 1960s and e. 1970s.
My students really got into discussing the implications of the way that
"Linc" (Clarence Williams III) was depicted as a watered-down "Black Power"
Anyway, hope that this helps.
                                        Crystal Kile
                                        Dept. of Popular Culture
                                        Bowling Green State Univeristy