On Thu, 17 Sep 1992 12:22:56 +0200 Bjorn Sorenssen said:
>If you turn your color saturation knob all the way down while
>watching a colorized b/w movie, will you then, in effect, be
>looking more or less at the "original"?
>Bjorn Sorenssen
>University of Trondheim, Norway
"More or less" is the key issue.  Video has a narrower contrast range than
film and there is a loss of image at the edges.  Thus a video is n e v e r
what would be seen in projection.
BUT:  16mm prints of 35mm film classics are often (more often than not)
several generations away from the original.  Particularly the originals
of pre-1950 films which were on a nitrate base and under original conditions
presented brilliant images.
Similar limitations exist for films shot to be shown in 70mm with Dolby
Sound (e.g. Star Wars, Right Stuff) when shown in ordinary houses with
35mm projection and older sound technology.
I guess the answer is that there is likely no way to see a film in its
original condition unless you see it in its original showcase release
Cal Pryluck                               <[log in to unmask]>
Dept of Radio-Television-Film             <PRYLUCK@TEMPLEVM>
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122                    voice (215) 247-9663