After reading the votes, the listowner and I have decided to place
Previews.... on the filelist instead of distributing it across the line.
So Previews....  June and July 1992 are currently available.  Just send a
message to LISTSERV AT UA1VM to GET PREV9207 ASC SCREEN-L for the July
issue, or GET PREV9206 ASC SCREEN-L for the June issue.
As soon as each issue is available, I will place a message to this line with
a Subject line in the above format.
July's issue has a new expanded "Teasers" section, including many of the
smaller production company's.  Also new, is the "Short Takes" section which
gives the news of the entertainment industry.  The "Countdown" section has a
new format.  So for the latest information send for Previews.... today.
On a final note, the August issue is coming along, with lots of new info.
See you soon.
*  Bill Oppel                  |  Vampires!!!            *
*  BITNET:  S70762OW@ETSUACAD  |   August issue of       *
*  East Texas State University |     Previews....        *
*  While America watched the Dream Team, the Green Team  *
*  hit the road again.  All this and more, in the next   *
*  issue of Previews.... online movie magazine.          *