I N T E R O F F I C E M E M O R A N D U M Date: 28-Jul-1992 11:29am DST From: Corinne H. Smith CHSMITH Dept: Audio Visual Services Tel No: (814) 863-3104 TO: VMSMail User _IN%"SCREEN-L ( _IN%"[log in to unmask]" ) Subject: RE: films in public domain A colleague of mine knows of a book called _Film Superlist: 20,000 Motion Pictures in the Public Domain_, by Johnny Minus and William Storm Hale, published by 7 Arts Press, Hollywood, in 1973 with an update in 1989. We don't have a copy here, but perhaps you can locate one at your college library or through interlibrary loan. Corinne Penn State chsmith@psuces