I N T E R O F F I C E   M E M O R A N D U M
                                        Date:     02-Jun-1992 11:56am DST
                                        From:     Corinne H. Smith
                                        Dept:     Audio Visual Services
                                        Tel No:   (814) 863-3104
TO:  VMSMail User _IN%"SCREEN-L           ( _IN%"[log in to unmask]" )
Subject: RE: Zoom lens
According to _Guinness Film Facts & Feats_ by Patrick Robertson (1985),
     "The first zoom lens was used by camerman Victor Milner on Rouben
Mamoulian's _Love Me Tonight_.  There are two zoom shots in the
'Paris waking' sequence and one in the hunting sequence.
     It was many years before zoom lenses became generally available
and sometimes considerable ingenuity was exercised to obtain the
same effect.  Jacques Sigurd wanted the last shot of _Une si jolie
petite plage_ to be of the hero and heroine on the beach with the
camera tracking away from them until they were merely specks in the
distance.  He was unable to hire a helicopter and a trolley would
have left tracks in the sand.  His eventual solution was to have the
camera moving forwards, the two performers walking backwards, and
the film upside down in the camera."
Penn State Audio-Visual Services