Thanks for the Potter comment, John.  Come to think of it, I'd seen
    something featuring a two-way intereview with him and Stephen Bochco
    that was apparently a disaster:  Potter aloof and disdainful of any US
    TV and Bochco at a loss.
> If you had asked about cinema, I'd have said Jean-Luc Godard;  but as I
> have not seen the work he did for television, I cannot add his name.
    Yes, I've seen some of his video work with Anne-Marie Mieville and I
    think that that would indeed qualify.  But I think that the tapes I've
    seen were video releases, as it were, rather than productions for
    French television.  I'm a bit unclear on their release
    histories--excepting 6x2:  SUR ET SOUS LA COMMUNICATION ("on and under
    communication"), a six-part series done for French TV in
    (In your post you'd mentioned the possibility of Brechtian documentary.
    This videotape could perhaps fit the bill.)
    I guess I need to go back and review the CAMERA OBSCURA (no. 8-9-10)
    pieces on it and FRANCE/TOUR/DETOUR/DEUX/ENFANTS...