Happy Birthday Screen-L and greetings to all!  It is great having
access to infromation and individuals in many parts of the world!
I enjoy Jeremy's quotes as well!
I wonder if anyone is familiar with a Russian film that won a prize in
Italy in 1989---not sure if it was Prix Italia or something like that.
I taped the film from Swedish tv, and roughly translated is called
A DOG'S HEART.  It is based on a story (by Bulgakov, I believe) but no
director was named in the credits or before the film!  I would like to know
who the director was if anyone knows.  I loved the film---opens with
point of view sequences  - from the dog's point of view!  The dog
is transformed into a human by an operation, becomes a Party member,
and eventually is operated on again and becomes a dog, when he turns
out to be a real pain in the neck.
Hope somebody knows out there in cyberspace.
Bert Deivert  Univ. of Karlstad   Sweden
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